Words You Should Know – Sisu

Pronounced “See – Sue”

In the face of a huge threat or challenge, you might find yourself panicking, scrambling for the right answer. Or you might feel a calm, focused determination. If you’ve felt this determination, this focus, you’ve felt sisu.

What is Sisu?

Sisu is extreme resilience, perseverance, and bravery. It’s the idea that, no matter what life throws at you, you can handle it. It’s about having an inner strength that allows you to keep going, even when things seem impossible. It comes from knowing what you’re doing is important, it must be done. Sisu means having the calm confidence to look at these critical moments and think “I got this.”

What does it feel like?

When you feel sisu, you might not notice many physical sensations. Mindfulness comes in two forms – internal and external. Some feelings leave you very focused on your body, only somewhat aware of the outside world. Sisu is not one of these. As you feel sisu, you will notice your attention shifting to the outside world. You will notice yourself feeling very goal-oriented, your body energized by the focused realization that you need to finish this challenge.

Sisu is the sense of determination and inner strength that allows you to push through even the toughest of times. When you have sisu, you feel like you can take on the world. You have a fierce power that keeps you moving forward, no matter what obstacles you face.

How to Use Sisu?

If saying you feel “focused” or “in a state of flow” doesn’t quite capture the power and thrill you feel, try using sisu instead. This feeling takes a few different English concepts and ties them together. Notably, sisu means feeling internally confident you can handle an external challenge.

Anyone can cultivate sisu. It’s not something you’re born with, but rather something you develop over time. Here are some ways to experience sisu in your life:

Embrace challenges. Sisu is all about pushing through adversity. Embrace these challenging moments and see them as opportunities for growth.

Stay focused. Keep your eyes on the prize and don’t get distracted by setbacks or obstacles.

Take action. Sisu is all about taking action, even when you don’t feel like it. Don’t let fear hold you back.

Keep going. When things get tough, don’t give up! Know that you got this.